
— it's overrated 

In less than one year, I grew my online community 100K+ across social platforms and the most important thing I've learned along the way is that building a community online today requires detaching from perfection - not a perfectly curated feed.

In this 100+ minute course, we’re breaking down community building into three parts:


Building Bridges


Being Different by Being You


Effort Over Perfection

We're gonna talk about:


How to build a deeper connection with yourself so that you’re able to build a deeper connection with your community


Why social media isn’t too saturated and how your story can set you apart


The value of vulnerability in video marketing


Becoming confident enough to be cringe

Also these things:


Optimizing your creative flow


Tips for conceptualizing real & raw content


The influence of AI & why humanity still has the advantage


Virality vs. sustainability and how to build a business / brand that promotes more balance instead of burnout

…and much, much more. 

Ready to start?



don't let perfection keep you from finding your people


Talia Antonietta

Hi - I’m Talia, a creative entrepreneur who is passionate about community, social impact, and mental health. I started my career on Wall Street where I got really good at the logistics of business but my mental health was in decline. So - I pivoted, re-branded my career and went from Wall Street to the Wellness industry. Along the way I discovered that my passion was a blend of the two so I launched the Modern Altruneur and now spend my time helping others invest in themselves and their businesses so that they can invest in the world.

Designed to help you detach from perfection, embrace being cringe and show up fully as the imperfect human that you are.

Community is the future of business.